Semester (3rd & 4th) system - A.I chemistry practicals apps based on self learning approach
3rd & 4th Semester
A.I Chemistry Practicals Apps
(Based on self-driven learning approach)
Introduction :-
Dear students, this blog will help you to do all chemistry practicals in one place. First watch the given videos of apps ,then practice with the given A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) apps. All apps are created by Sajid sir (A.T. of Khanna High School) using scratch (coding) ( khannahighschoolHS on Scratch (
These apps are ICT (Information Communication Technology) based and can be used for effective teaching-learning purposes. After using these apps for practicals, students will able to know how to do chemistry practical in real world ... and there nothing wrong with using ict based apps
1_Content Based Practical - Chemical Kinetic
The Iodine
Clock Reaction with AI (Artificial Intelligence) app.(Study of reaction rates of the reaction of Iodide ion with hydrogen peroxide at room temperature using different concentration of iodide ions.)
Theory and producer link :- File link
Watch the below video several time till you become confident to run the A.I app and take the reading from the given app.
Video link:-
App link:-
Follow the instructions which has given by the app and you can type any name and number when app says to type.
Watch the video how to run the below A.I app and take reading
Click to open app
After completing one round, Click on Red circle above and then click on green flag to start the above app again
2. Salt Analysis:-
Watch the below video several time till you become confident to run the A.I app and take the reading from the given app.
Video link:-
Salt-Analysis AI-app:-
This Salt-Analysis AI app will help you to do salt analysis without going to laboratory with real feel of chemical colours . This app help you to practice different salt samples. This app also help you to write salt analysis as per given instructions of council after identification of salt by clicking stars in each sub-headings. Click on green Flag to start the below app.
CLICK ON Na2S bottle to start the salt analysis
A.I App link :-
3. Functional group detection ( Organic Chemistry):-
Watch the below video several time till you become confident to run the A.I app and take the reading from the given app.
Video link:-
A.I app of organic chemistry:-
This organic chemistry practical app with AI will help you to do identification of functional groups by performing preliminary tests first then how to write confirmatory tests of functional groups as per given by council. Click on green Flag to start the below app.
AI app link :-
Gratitude to SRF foundation & Capgemini
Getting Recognized for teaching work is always an inspiration for any teacher. Thank you SRF foundation and Capgemini for same. This award is for creating above all A.I apps.
On 11th October 2022,