A.I (Artificial Intelligence) Chemistry Practical apps (new Semester system ) for Science, Created by Sajid Sir (A.T. Khanna High School)



(New Syllabus-2024)


Chemistry Practical A.I  APPs

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     Dear students, this blog will help you to do all chemistry practicals in one place. First watch the videos of titration and salt-analysis then practice with the given A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) apps. Practice content-based practical and Organic functional group detection app for class 12th. All apps created by Sajid sir (A.T. of Khanna High School) using scratch (coding) ( khannahighschoolHS on Scratch (mit.edu). These apps are ICT (Information Communicaton Technology) based and can be used for effective teaching-learning purposes. After using these apps for practicals, students will able to know how to do chemistry practical in real world ... and there nothing wrong with using ict based apps 

I guide them how to run these apps and when i told to do chemistry practical, u don't believe, they can do the chemistry practicals by their own... because they know everything about the real world practical... this the impact of ICT based apps... and not only our school , i send to other school and they are using these apps before doing in real world... time to change 🤩Thanks to scratch.mit.edu for creating such a helpful user interface for everyone

1_Titration :-

This video helps you how to put data into the app and then video will guide you how to run this app. Before using the app you must watch this video.

Click on the above picture to watch the video

Titration (A.I) App :- This Titration A.I. app will help you to practice Titration without going to laboratory. It will also give you marks as per council's instructions for distribution of marks. You can practice this titration app many times with refreshing the page. Click on green Flag to start the below app. (For 11th science only )

After completing one titration, Click on Red circle above and then click on green flag to start the above app on Titration.

2_Salt -Analysis Practical :-

This Salt-Analysis Chemistry practical's video will guide you to do salt analysis in very  easy way . Watch the below video how to do salt analysis and use below app to practic 

Salt-Analysis AI-app:-

This Salt-Analysis AI app will help you to do salt analysis without going to laboratory with real feel of chemical colours . This app  help you to practice 27 different salt samples. This app also help you to write salt analysis as per given instructions of council after identification of salt by clicking stars in each sub-headings. Click on green Flag to start the below app. (For 12th Science only)

CLICK ON Na2S bottle to start the salt analysis 

After completing one salt, Click on Red circle above and then click on green flag to start the above app again.

3_Content Based Practical on Chemical Kinetic (The Iodine

 Clock Reaction) with AI (Artificial Intelligence) app for class 

12th Science:-

(Study of reaction rates of the reaction of Iodide ion with  hydrogen peroxide at room temperature using different concentration of iodide ions.) 

You can perform this chemistry practical without going to laboratory. Follow the instructions given by the app (Click on 0.1M KI bottle to start the practical) and this app also help you to draw the graph of above chemical kinetic's practical. You have to start the stop watch for doing reaction and click on stop to stop the stopwatch on just appearance of blue color. Click on green Flag to start the below app.(For 12th Science only)

Write the theory in chemistry lab. Note Copy for 12th chemistry  

Theory of  iodine Clock reaction

After completing one round, Click on Red circle above and then click on green flag to start the above app again.

4_Content based practical Related to pH with AI-app (only for practice) :-

(Study the pH change in the titration of a strong base using universal indicator)

                        You can perform the above chemistry practical without going to laboratory. Identify and compare the colour of the beaker with the colour of the pH-paper , app will help you to identify and app will also help you to draw the pH- graph. Click on green Flag to start the below app. (For 11th Science only)

Theory :- 
pH= -log[H+]
"Potential of Hydrogen”. pH is known as the negative logarithm of H+ ion concentration. Hence the meaning of the name pH is explained as the strength of hydrogen or power of hydrogen.
Titration is a process of measuring the volume of a solution of one reactant needed to react completely with a measured amount of another reactant. The point of change in the colour of the solution to which a universal indicator is added determines the point of equivalence of the solution. As the titration takes place, there is a slow change in the pH in the initial stage while approaching the equivalence point, there is a very rapid change in the pH of the solution.

After completing one round, Click on Red circle above and then click on green flag to start the above app again.

5_Organic Chemistry Practical with AI (Artificial  Intelligence) app for 12th Science :- 

This organic chemistry practical app with AI will help you to do identification of functional groups by performing preliminary tests first then how to write confirmatory tests of functional groups as per given by council. Click on green Flag to start the below app.(For 12th Science only)

After completing one round, Click on Red circle above and then click on green flag to start the above app again.

Gratitude to SRF foundation & Capgemini 

                   Getting Recognized for teaching work is always an inspiration for any teacher. Thank you SRF foundation and Capgemini for same. This award is for creating above all A.I apps.

On 11th October 2022,

Click on the above picture to watch the video

Some feedback from previous year 

Click on above picture to view video feedback of my student Mukesh

Thanks for watching, Visit again...

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